Kripa Education and Training (KET) India


Giving a better education for the present competitive world

Handwriting Workshop

Are You Satisfied With Your Child’s / Your Hand Writing

If No, Then

Improve Your Child's / Your Hand Writing and Its Speed In Just 30 Hours

No Age Limit, Money Back Guarantee !!

A good handwriting is a pleasure for all, especially for students and to the examiners. Only with good alignment can good handwriting be obtained. There are certain rules which when followed will lead to a good handwriting. Handwriting is something which should be inculcated from the beginning. Just a bit of concentration and practice is required.

Mostly teachers parents insist students to write properly neatly, write big or small, write slowly beautifully etc. but nobody tells them how to write. We teach student "HOW" to write. We teach and concentrate on the right way of writing, sitting, holding pen or pencil creating and joining fonts.

Good Handwriting Enhances :

  • Communication
  • Development of mind & Motor skill coordination
  • Interest & Achievement in Academics
  • Ability To Think
  • Self Confidence
  • Linguistic Skills
  • Presentation
  • Ability to Organize
  • Clarity of Thought
